A GTD Framework

I was humbled to give an overview of the “Getting Things Done” framework at the Fall 2018 Faculty Research Symposium at Trevecca University. The talk was specifically geared toward helping college students facing overwhelm and was titled “The Mindful 21st Century College Student: Developing a Framework for Effective Creativity in a World of Distraction.

You can find the presentation slides here.

I highly recommend reading the book ($12 on Amazon). If you’d prefer to watch more about it, go to lynda.com, login with your Trevecca credentials, and search for “Getting Things Done with David Allen.”

Check out the tools I recommend for handling the academic work of the day as well as some of the books that have left a lasting impact on how I approach my work.

I hope to offer more “chats” on this topic in greater depth in the future. If you’re a member of the Trevecca community, email me at telerew@trevecca.edu if you’d like to know for when and where they become scheduled.

“There’s just too much to do!”

-every Trevecca student, ever